在ACCA(F1)中有一个重要的部分叫做:Equal opportunities平等机会。平等机会指的就是对于不同宗教背景,种族背景,年龄,性别,性取向,健康和残疾人都要提供平等公平的工作机会和待遇。其中最重要的就是消除歧视,实现平等机会,今天会计网就跟大家讲解这个考点内容。
Types of discrimination歧视的种类分为以下几种:
1. Direct discrimination 直接歧视
Direct discrimination occurs when one interested group is treated less favourably than another.由于性别,种族,国籍,宗教信仰,年龄的原因,一群人比另一群人更受欢迎。举例:一则招聘启示上写:“只要白人”就是一种对种族的直接歧视;另一则招聘启示上写:“只要男人”就是对女性的直接歧视。
Which of the following would constitute direct discrimination?
A Setting age limits or ranges in an employment advertisement
B Offering less favourable terms to workers on flexible hours contracts
C Using word-of-mouth recruitment in a predominantly male workforce
(1 mark)
2. Indirect discrimination 间接歧视
Indirect discrimination occurs when a policy or practice is fair in form, but discriminatory in operation. 虽然使用了统一的标准或者政策,但是实际操作起来是对某一群人不公平的。
A company has placed a job advertisement for a full time employee and a part time employee. The part time employee's terms are less favourable than the full-time employee's terms.
What type of discrimination is this?
A Direct discrimination
B Indirect discrimination
C Victimisation
3. Victimisation 牺牲品
Victimisation occurs when a person is penalised for giving information or taking action in pursuit of a claim of discrimination. 当你觉得你受到歧视的时候,去对公司进行投诉,被公司得知后,给你穿小鞋。“枪打出头鸟”。
4. Harassment 骚扰
Harassment is the use of threatening, intimidatory, offensive or abusive language or behaviour.包括身体上的和语言上的骚扰,威胁恐吓,冒犯,或者让人觉得不舒服的玩笑/行为/言语。
Members of a religious minority in a workplace are frequently subjected to jokes about their dress and dietary customs, and a bit of name-calling, by non-religious workmates. They find this offensive and hurtful – even though their colleagues say it is 'just a bit of fun'.
What type of discrimination (if any) would this represent?
A Victimisation
B Indirect discrimination
C Harassment
(1 mark)
5. Positive discrimination 正面的歧视/积极的歧视
Actions which give preference to a protected people regardless of genuine suitability and qualification for the job. 偏向小众群体,弱势群体,给他们更多的好处,使他们处于比正常者更好的待遇。这就对大多数人来说是不公平的。也是不好的,是歧视的一种。
举例:一个公司招聘只要disabled persons,其他人不要。
Which of the following is an example of 'positive discrimination' rather than 'positive action' on equal opportunities?
A Selecting a certain number of people from ethnic minorities for jobs, regardless of job-relevant selection criteria
B Using ethnic languages in job advertisements
C Setting targets for the number of people from ethnic minorities that the organisation would like to see in managerial positions
(1 mark)
Positive action:为减少歧视而进行的action。比如:帮助弱势群体,给他们同样的面试机会,而不是把他们拒之门外。这是一种好的action,要区别于positive discrimination。